Sunday, December 26, 2010

More Christmas!

Christmas tags I made for Alicen, Hayden, & Troy! Merry Boxing Day everyone!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Adventures in Painting

For the past few days, I've been working on a commissioned painting. However, it was a painting style I haven't done before - it was to be painted on a bedroom wall! All Sophia wanted for Christmas was for her bedroom to look like a barn, with a horse peeking out a window in the corner. So I took up the challenge and did the painting. :)

I can't draw things on a large scale very well, so this projector helped me.

Prepping the wall.

Got the white base layer down, now time to paint the horse!

Painting, painting...

Now all he needs is his window!

And there it is! The painting is complete!

Sophia and her mother Roey are happy with the results!
All in all, it took maybe 18 hours (over 4 days). Now, I've got one other project to *finally* finish, and have 3 more pages to tone before In the Air chapter 5 is done! Gah! I gotta get cracking!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas part 2

Coloured! Merry Christmas Everyone! And a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 17, 2010

We Wish You a Merry Christmas!!

(Finally) got around to making a picture for Christmas! Grah, why am I so slow to do anything? This Sunday at 3:00pm (atlantic time ;)) I'll be colouring this on livestream! If you have some time, stop by and hang out :)

My livestream:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I Never Know What to Name My Posts...

Slappin' some colour on an old doodle. Just for fun.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Doodelly doo

Heee-yawh!! Another blog post from yours truly!

I've been doodling and sketching lots lately, but most of it is concept art on a project I'm not ready to share online yet. In the Air ch05 is, this time for serious(!), almost done. I rewrote the ending probably 3 times now, and am finally happy with how book 1 is going to end. Since the book is so close to completion, ALL pages are available to read for FREE on, so if you've been wanting to read it before but the online subscription turned you off, now is the time to take a look!

ALSO! Have you checked out my website?
There's finally something there to look at now that the gallery has been started~!

See you next time!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Avatar the Last Airbender is always awesome. Unless of course if it's the movie, which I'm still too scared to watch... O__O (even though despite all the warnings I've still got a curiousity in me to watch it eventually)

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I'm a little late showing my support... Sorry guys!! Let's all do our best in the battle against cancer!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Look! A Drawing!

*GASP!* It's true! I made a new drawing to post on this blog! O0O!! Shocked? So am I!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Living With It!

After quite a wait, I've finally recieved my copies of "K: Living With It!" issues 2&3. Issue 2 was drawn in March/April of this year, and issue 3 June/July. (Issue 1 was done last winter, but I'm a bit embarrassed of that one - the drawings were so bad!! <-self concious)

To my knowledge, the comics are available to children with hemophilia and their siblings through a free subscription.

Each issue is 12 pages long, and follows the life of a 16(?) year old boy named K who has hemophilia. He wants to join the school sports team, but he fears his parents will deny him a chance to join the basketball team since they are so over protective.

The comic is written by a writer from Montreal named Michael Libling.

I hired my friend to help with colouring for issue 3 because I was feeling a little overworked. Thanks for coming to my rescue, Audrey!

...and that's that! Haven't heard word yet about issue 4, so I've gotta do as much In the Air as I can before then..!!! Hee hee.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back At 'Em!

*waves timidly* Hey guys! Here I am again after a bit of a disappearance. Not many new drawings to show at the moment, for I am getting over a common artist spell of "Why do I do these terrible drawings?! I'm no good and it's not getting better!!". I couldn't take a pencil to paper without feeling discouraged, hence I avoided the net for a while so that I'd spare you from my whining.

I'm feeling the tail end of it now, and some new secret projects are starting to bubble forth in my mind. For the first time in a while, I'm getting really excited to draw comics! I may disappear again from my blog, but hopefully I'll be able to create some sketches to share with you here soon. I hope you're all doing well and taking care!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Word Up!

Hey all! I arrived home yesterday from my trip to Halifax. I had a blast! The reason for the trip? Dave Sim: The Last Signing at Strange Adventures comics was reason #1, and reason #2 was "Word on the Street"
First off, here is a little bit about Dave Sim's last signing on Friday. My boyfriend Troy is a HUGE fan of Cerebus, Dave's main comic project spanning from 1977-2004. I went having not read a single issue. O__O; Now I need to go fix that...

The signing was scheduled from 10pm-12am, but Dave took his time telling stories and talking with everyone who came up, so it ended up going on until 4:30am. It was quite a test of endurance, and I was ready to pass out by the end of it. I made it 'til 3, when we were up, and I'm glad that I stuck it out. Dave was a really nice guy, and it felt good to have him take his time to chat with us while he signed our books.

The next night was the Glamourpuss formal party at The Economy Shoe Shop. I always love an excuse to get fancy!! This is us trying to look all "hollywood"

Dave got to work making name tags for everyone. He was also getting videos of the ladies proclaiming that they loved Glamourpuss more than ___ (insert item of fashion here). I got it messed up and stated that I loved Glamourpuss more than my cat Meem. So yeah, if you keep track of Cerebus TV, you may someday see me making a fool of myself on camera (it happens a lot, actually)

Sunday had us busy with the "Word on the Street" event. It was only one day from 11am-6pm, but I managed to pass out 85% of my preview books and even sell a few buttons!

Many people gave me good words and comments, which is good to hear since I tend to get too down on myself about my work. This lovely lady above is Rej, who seemed really excited to pick up a copy for herself and a friend. Thanks, Rej!

Mike and Blair Kitchen were our neighbours for the event. It was great seeing them again! We even managed to get a collab pic together, which we lovingly titled "Big Guns"

Close up of the drawing
We had lots of time between events to take in the city of Halifax, which was amazing! I've been there twice before, but I never did get to see too much of it until now. The waterfront was my favourite place. It was like the (much) older brother to our waterfront in Charlottetown.

...and some other drawings that took place! Here's an Ary I drew on the table covering at the Argyle restaurant. You don't want Ary as your customer - she's a messy eater and leaves a lousy tip.

Drew a cover in for my new sketchook.
Just 'cause of all the ducks I photographed.

And a Tisha at the tea shop!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Workin' hard or hardly workin?

Some sneak peeks at the newest drawings of In the Air #5

Friday, September 10, 2010

I drawz real gud

Just finished watching Sailor Moon R with my sis. I've probably mentioned this on the net somewhere before, but when I was a kid, Sailor Moon was like, the coolest thing ever to me. I totally obsessed over it during my elementary school days. Needless to say, it still holds a special place in my heart. It was what inspired me to do comics, after all! Anyways, onto my most awesomest drawings of my Sailor Senshi misadventures - that I whipped up about 15 minutes ago. Sailor Freelancer? I'm sure that won't stick.

Hope you enjoyed these terrible drawings!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Back to drawin'

Hm, looking at the last few posts, I see I've strayed from my doodles theme. Time to correct it! Here are some of the sketchcards that I made during FanExpo.

I got the sketchcards from the artist of this next picture: Lance Sawyer.
We did a card exchange and I chose Sandra for hime to draw! Thanks, Lance! :D
Now, time for some of Christina's lovely artwork!
Christina and I, as you know, shared a table, so we kept drawing fan art for eachother. This one above is in response to a pic of Len and Sandra chibis I made for her, with Len giving advice for how to get a guy's attention!
Mike Kitchen's SpyGuy with guest star, Ary!

Blair's custom cover for The Possum mini comic