Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sandra meets Angora Napkin!

G'day all! Wanting to take a moment to show off a gift art I got from Troy~ Ta-dah! Sandra joins Angora Napkin in a 5 day Guitar Hero Marathon!

Thanks again, Troy! I love this!! Sorry the quality is so bad! This is a photo, not a scan. To tell the truth I couldn't figure out how to pop open the frame in order to scan..!

I know I always link to Troy's page on here, buuuut... watch as I do it again! -->Angora Napkin<--

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas, One and All!!

Merry Christmas, everyone! Just wishin' you and yours a joyous holiday season! I hope you all the a great rest and are all set for 2010! Take care!!!
ps: yes, Sabel, I dug up this old pic 'cause I'm too lazy right now to draw a Christmas/wintery type pic...! Hee hee!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Takin' it slow

Yes, and I am sorry that I am so slow! I've gotten 6 new In the Air pages scanned, and am working on the lettering and toning now. :) Please be patient with me!! Updates should start soon. :)

Friday, December 11, 2009


I just watched this short film, and it made me both happy and sad. Very adorable and highly recommended! Take a look for yourself!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Let it snow~!

Winter is now upon us! I love the look of winter - I just can't seem handle the cold anymore!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ary Inspires, Part 5

Ary Inspires! Wow, part 5 already! It looks like it's about time this little project got its own space on the net! There's nothing posted yet, but if you visit , you can continue reading the strip ^___^ Thanks guys for all the support on this! <3

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009