Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sketches, Doodles, and Life drawrings!

Finally uploading a bunch of pics, including those life drawings I promised. First off, here are the doodles from last night when I rode the Robo Toro. Troy contributed to the top page - Beatrice and the evil Robo Toro.

Okay, now onto the life drawings. These are the ones from my first class. :)We began with 2 minute sketches.Then we eventually moved onto 20/30 minute sketches.

Uhm, now that I've got my sketchbook out, I'll scan a couple more little things from it.

I was getting silly and drew Sandra in all her old costumes. xD

Then I went on to draw Tisha in her old costume. And then drew Ella the piano. And randomly a this cat fan showed up, too. Hm...?Hope you had fun looking at the sketches! xD

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I love them all :) Your drawings make me smile ^^